As a cozy touch to our apartment, my roommate and I posted a white board on the wall of our living room for grocery lists and things like that. But I’m not much of a list person so I’ve taken to writing little quotations from books or poems or songs that I come across.

Unless you’ve slept through the last 48 hours, you know that we’re dealing with essentially a monsoon. Don’t quote me on that, because I’m not sure what a monsoon technically is. But judging by the knee-deep water in front of the library yesterday, the situation has passed beyond that of “scattered thunderstorms.” My own trek from Edwards to the Student Center had my mascara running down my face, my shoes filled with water, and my books in a dire, sopping state. So when I got home yesterday, soaked and cold, I got on my laptop to find a scathing quote about how wearisome rain can be; something that included words like “drowning” and “drenching” and maybe an expletive or two. Instead, I stumbled across something that likened rain to “silver liquid drops” and urged that you let it kiss you.

I stopped being irritated. I changed out of my wet clothes, found an oversized sweatshirt, made a cup of tea and reconsidered things. I had decided at the beginning of the day that just because it was raining, everything would likely be a disaster. I had a conversation with a friend that left me irritated and offended, but now that I was warming up, I realized he was trying to make me laugh. There was a girl in my afternoon class that kept making stupid, irrelevant comments, but in reality, her points weren’t wrong. My car didn’t stall out in the river-road. My books and clothes didn’t get ruined. I didn’t drown after all.

I made a similar post about this a month ago…y’know, attitude shifting? Now more than ever, I think that it’s key. I’m sure when you bragged about going to college at the beach, you didn’t have torrential rain in mind. Maybe your classes are harder or more boring or less relevant than you hoped they would be. Maybe you didn’t magically become best friends with your roommate.

But you made it through week one. It took me a year to feel like I was taking the right classes and doing the right thing. It took me three to find a roommate whose company I really enjoyed. And it took up until yesterday to embrace a little bit of rain.

As always, if you ever need anything, be it an opinion, a bit of advice, or someone to get dinner with, let me know. Leave a comment, we can get in touch. In the meantime, give it some time. It’s the morning after Monsoon 2012 and  while it’s still grey and cloudy out, most of the water has drained away.